We’re always looking for new ways to support students who want more practice, like with recall or loose leash walking; who want to build skills in a specific area; who are working towards their AKC® CGC Title…you name it.
In this section, you’ll find classes for folks who have graduated from our Focus & Control for Teens or Foundation Skills for Adults class. Don’t forget to take a look at our Advanced Manners Packages, too!
Advanced Manners Classes

About Town: Four Week Field Trip Class
(Graduates of Focus & Control or Foundation Skills)
WHO THIS CLASS IS FOR (Prerequisites)
Graduates of Focus & Control for Teens or Foundation Skills for Adults.
Saturdays. Locations are around Olympia & Tumwater. Specific locations are TBA (you’ll get access to the locations in your homework portal). Location examples include Marathon Park, Downtown Olympia’s Boardwalk, the PetWorks, Matchless Brewing, etc.
Do you want to have a dog you can successfully take everywhere? Feeling like you need some extra practice after Focus & Control for Teens or Foundation Skills for Adults? Still needing additional help with loose leash walking, getting that reliable recall, and working around distractions? Want to keep up your momentum and try some real-world applications? This class will help you “proof” the skills you learned in previous classes in an open-enrollment field trip context. Join anytime when there is room in class, and take four consecutive field trip classes.
This four-week class will solidify the skills you learned in the above classes. You’ll work on the following skills (field trip locations will depend on the season): loose leash walking, stays, coming when called, meeting other people and dogs appropriately, relaxing in public spaces, handling distractions with ease, and more.

Advanced Manners Class: Six Weeks of Class
(Graduates of Foundation Skills Class)
WHO THIS CLASS IS FOR (Prerequisites)
Dogs who have competed Foundation Skills for Adults or who have instructor approval.
Fridays at HDI Headquarters in Tumwater, WA.
Click here to see the schedule and to register.
Do you want to know what’s beyond a “sit”, “down” and “stay”? Do you have a dog that struggles with “down time” in performance or pet friendly venues? Maybe you were impressed with the skills of a service dog and want to see if your dog can get there?
For those wanting to continue on to CGC testing, there will be a separate workshop scheduled after this class.

Total Recall Class: Three Weeks of Class
(Graduates of Focus & Control or Foundation Skills)
WHO THIS CLASS IS FOR (Prerequisites)
Dogs who have completed Focus & Control for Teens or Foundation Skills for Adults.
Days vary, starting at HDI Headquarters in Tumwater, WA. The last two classes are field trip classes Pioneer Park and Percival Landing Park, respectively. Click here to see the schedule and to register.
Tell us if this sounds familiar: “Fido, come!” “Come Fido!” Fido, come!” “Come here Fido!” and…crickets. If they even dane to look up, they go right back to what they are doing afterwards. Or, they take off in the opposite direction. Or maybe they’ll come if there are zero distractions, but all bets are off in other scenarios.
This is where our Total Recall Class comes in. Let us help you problem solve this and practice in real life, as it’s one of the trickiest behaviors to train for folks!
We are also offering a Walkabout (loose leash walking) class, and you can purchase both classes as a package to save some money.

Walkabout Loose Leash Walking Class: Three Weeks of Class
(Graduates of Focus & Control or Foundation Skills)
WHO THIS CLASS IS FOR (Prerequisites)
Dogs who have completed Focus & Control for Teens or Foundation Skills for Adults.
Days vary, starting at HDI Headquarters in Tumwater, WA. The last two classes are field trip classes Pioneer Park and Percival Landing Park, respectively. Click here to see the schedule and to register.
Does your dog drag you around by the leash everywhere you go? Or maybe they are perfect angels on walks until they see a distraction? Maybe EVERYTHING is a distraction (squirrel!), and maybe you’re worried they will dislocate your shoulder someday.
Enter: Happy Dog Institute’s Loose Leash Walking Class. Let us help you build on the skills you learned in your core class and solve this frustrating problem!
We are also offering a Total Recall (coming when called) class, and you can purchase both classes as a package to save some money.

Introduction to Cooperative Care: Four Weeks of Class
(Graduates of Any Previous HDI Class)
WHO THIS CLASS IS FOR (Prerequisites & Age Requirements)
Dogs who have completed any class at Happy Dog Institute. Dogs can be any age to attend this class. They should be comfortable working in the environment and with other dogs around at Happy Dog. Contact us for questions.
Varies. Click here to see the schedule.
HDI Headquarters, 7924 Sweet Iron Ct Ste 109, Olympia WA 98501
Can’t get an appointment with your vet or groomer? Is clipping your dog’s nails or cleaning their ears at home a nightmare? Is your dog uncomfortable with going to the vet? Get the skills you need to make your next visit more comfortable for your dog in our Cooperative Care class.
The IAABC describes Cooperative Care as “training an animal to not only tolerate handling and husbandry procedures, but to be an active, willing participant in these experiences”, which we love! You can learn more about the concept on their website here.
In this 4 week choose your own adventure course, we will work together to implement a plan for any cooperative care avenue you wish to explore.
We will cover positive approaches to desensitizing aversive responses, working with restraint and advocating for your dog with the care provider. You will develop a training plan and get regular support as you progress for the cooperative care procedure of your choosing, such as nail trimming, ear treatments, grooming or more.
Advanced Manners Packages

Focus & Control for Teens OR Foundation Skills for Adults + About Town Field Trip Class
Whether you’re at home, on a walk, at the park or at the vet, it feels great to have a happy, well-mannered pup who listens and responds to you. This package ensures that you and your canine companion will have the important skills you can use no matter where you go.
What’s included:
- Focus & Control for Teens OR Foundation Skills for Adults Class: Learn how to teach your dog basic manners and build problem-solving skills.
- About Town Class: Proof your skills in real-world contexts with our four-week intermediate manners class.
Please note: once you purchase this package, you’ll have credits on your account to use for each class. You’ll get an email with details.

Foundation Skills for Adults + Advanced Manners Class
If you’re working towards your CGC Title, or you want to hone your skills and progress towards our Advanced Manners Class, this is the package for you!
What’s included:
Please note: once you purchase this package, you’ll have credits on your account to use for each class. You’ll get an email with details.

Loose Leash Walking + Total Recall Class Package
We’ve created two “topics” classes that help problem solve some of the hardest behaviors to train, and then packaged them so you get a discount AND lots of practice working on these tricky behaviors.
What’s included:
Please note: once you purchase this package, you’ll have credits on your account to use for each class. You’ll get an email with details.