Half Dog, Half Kangaroo

Some dogs are born
jumpers. If you have a champion jumping bean on your hands, the first thing to
remember when muddy paws land on your favorite pair of slacks is that your
canine companion isn’t jumping on you out of rudeness or in an attempt to
dominate you. Rather, it’s a case of misplaced enthusiasm. She is overjoyed to
see you and this is how she shows it. That said, a jumping dog is tough on the
wardrobe and can be downright dangerous when the dog is big enough to knock you
down, so here’s a look at why dogs jump and what can be done about it.

jumping purebred jack russel terrier in a blue sky

Half Dog, Half Kangaroo

Why dogs jump. Jumping up on us is canine for “hello, gorgeous!” It’s a greeting
and a way to get close to our faces, the source of good stuff like eye contact,
kisses, and enthusiastic noises. As it happens, dogs greet dogs with much less
jumping—scientists speculate that jumping evolved in dogs specifically as a
greeting of humans. Too bad they didn’t develop an automatic sit, right?

The remedy. The good news is that dogs can learn polite, human-style greetings.
The trick to a harmonious life with a dog who thinks she’s a kangaroo is to
teach her a new way to greet you. First, let your dog know that jumping doesn’t
work as an approach to get attention. Don’t push her away, yell, or bring your
knee up—those responses are more than enough attention to keep your dog
jumping. Instead, ignore her. Turn your back and walk away. Only give her your
attention when she has all four paws on the floor. If you do this consistently,
your dog’s greetings will change (and your dry cleaning bill will shrink

Does your dog jump on houseguests and
strangers? Contact us to get help!